Career Decision-Making was originally published on College Recruiter.
Are you still undecided about what you want to do after graduation? Are you thinking of going to graduate school or maybe traveling across Europe, Southeast Asia, or the United States? How about doing an internship, summer job, or signing up to volunteer at an organization that sparks your interest to gain additional experience and increase your knowledge and skills?
These are all valid and legitimate questions for students getting ready to graduate and even for those undergraduate students who have not yet confirmed a job or internship for the summer. Gaining experience in a career field of interest always is a smart choice. Learning new skills and making yourself more marketable is looked on favorably by employers. Even if you are not sure what you want to do once you graduate, exploring career options will put you in a better place and will assist you in making a more informed decision when you actually begin your job search. Continue reading …
Article by, Penny Loretto, a career counselor at a small liberal arts college in upstate New York, has her own private career counseling practice, Career Choice, and is About.com’s Guide to Internships.